Notes on the Internet # 11

What proportion of traffic on our site is from Google?

It is best if our site is based on different sources of traffic, and not just on search traffic. In such a situation, in case of changes in the Google algorithm, which can lead to a decrease in our position, the possible losses will be the least painful. You can find information on this topic on the All Traffic tab.
Have any rapid changes in Google traffic?
A sudden drop of traffic from Google usually means one thing - the site was punished by Google. Another reason may be the emergence of numerous errors on the site or server failure, which lasts for a long time. In any case, you need to intervene, observe such changes. Changes in traffic coming from Google are best compared in a wider perspective, for example, for a year. To see how traffic on our site has changed from the Google search engine, go to the All traffic section and click Google / Organic in the table.
What pages most often come visitors from the search results?
Knowing how many users get to our site from the search results, gives little. Of course, it will be useful to find out which pages are most often users who come to us from the search results pages. It may be valuable information about which content on our site most often is looking for Internet users, and which pages are best optimized from the SEO point of view. To view the statistics of the most frequently appearing pages in the search results, select all traffic, and then click Google / Organic.
What links need to take care?
As I mentioned earlier, it would be good if the Google search engine was not our only user provider on websites. Cooperation with other websites and link placement, for example, on Internet forums, can also be a great way to increase the number of visitors to the page. How can you check out what other sites your users visited most often? Just click on the report all referrals.
"Behavior" - how do users behave on your site?
Information about the behavior of users on the site will be a particularly important prompt about how long users remain on the site, on which pages they spend the most time and which pages are attended by less frequently.
What pages are the most interesting users?
The time spent on the site and% of the outputs is information that can show how much interest received this user. The value% Exit tells us how many% of users left the site after visiting a specific page. This information is collected on the Site tab> All Pages. convertisseur mp3
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